This will be a treat for us all.
Today my front porch friend, Allie Lousch, is with us. I met Allie in 2005, my second senior year of undergrad. We were neighbors for months but didn't know it, until a homework assignment sent me into the street, into the homes of people I often saw but never knew. Allie was sitting on her porch that afternoon, and she invited me to sit too. We weren't strangers for long. She was eloquent and honest, and I was young and over-spiritual. Her raw authenticity broke me down and before I knew it I was sitting there trying to be honest too because she wasn't having the neatly-packaged, mass-produced, Christian answers. She wanted what was Real. She's still that way today, but now she shares her hospitality and adventure from place down in Georgia. Today we catch her writing on the beauty of light-living, and offering us a little clarity on how to actually do it. You can stop by her porch on the world wide web at Enjoy.
Quit Something each Thursday.
Travel light. 
Comb & toothbrush & no extra luggage.
Keep it simple...
You are the equipment.
If you're not welcomed...Don't make a scene.*
Quit something each Thursday.
I've been re-reading and tinkering with these words lately. The five first statements are recorded by a doctor, Luke, in a land far far away... The last, "Quit something each Thursday" is from a listmaker named, Tim.
Each statement challenges and has me thinking, because I trust the sources.
Quit something each Thursday?
In all of our going and doing we add so much to our schedules that end up subtracting from the sum of our living. More meetings, more boards, more "yes-es", more doing, more stuff...more angst.
Think about this: what do you really want your life to "say". If you are the message, if you are the "equipment" - what is the point of your messaging and doing life? Is it to garner more stuff and power and a place in the Winner's Circle? If you are Eric Liddle or someone with his life call...maybe the winner circle is your next goal, but really - what is all this running around for?
Before you quit something today (it is Thursday), decide what you want to really live for and then subtract one thing that keeps you mired here instead of moving towards that one thing. This will take hours, days, weeks, months...maybe years, but today's the day - Carpe Diem - and all that.
Caveat: Quit something each Thursday is not a free pass to bolt from your responsibilities.
Not happy in your family? Don't quit it. That is a short-term solution to what is often a long term problem...a problem that you see in the mirror daily.
Not fulfilled as a parent? Don't quit your kids and shuffle them off to every sort of time-fill you can afford. Get to know them. Ask for help. My guess is - your kids are in this world because at one time you wanted to love, nurture, and get to know them - not position them for an Ivy League education.
Not happy with your hair...okay - quit that. Call your barber and stylist today.
Take a nap.
Daydream a bit.
Decide what is truly adding value - or has the potential to add value - to your life before you quit your first thing. Write it down. Share it with someone. Get on your knees and ask for help. Call. Think before you act. Give yourself that time...that grace.
A few options for today's Quit something each Thursday:

Comb & toothbrush & no extra luggage.
Keep it simple...
You are the equipment.
If you're not welcomed...Don't make a scene.*
Quit something each Thursday.
I've been re-reading and tinkering with these words lately. The five first statements are recorded by a doctor, Luke, in a land far far away... The last, "Quit something each Thursday" is from a listmaker named, Tim.
Each statement challenges and has me thinking, because I trust the sources.
Quit something each Thursday?
In all of our going and doing we add so much to our schedules that end up subtracting from the sum of our living. More meetings, more boards, more "yes-es", more doing, more stuff...more angst.
Think about this: what do you really want your life to "say". If you are the message, if you are the "equipment" - what is the point of your messaging and doing life? Is it to garner more stuff and power and a place in the Winner's Circle? If you are Eric Liddle or someone with his life call...maybe the winner circle is your next goal, but really - what is all this running around for?
Before you quit something today (it is Thursday), decide what you want to really live for and then subtract one thing that keeps you mired here instead of moving towards that one thing. This will take hours, days, weeks, months...maybe years, but today's the day - Carpe Diem - and all that.
Caveat: Quit something each Thursday is not a free pass to bolt from your responsibilities.
Not happy in your family? Don't quit it. That is a short-term solution to what is often a long term problem...a problem that you see in the mirror daily.
Not fulfilled as a parent? Don't quit your kids and shuffle them off to every sort of time-fill you can afford. Get to know them. Ask for help. My guess is - your kids are in this world because at one time you wanted to love, nurture, and get to know them - not position them for an Ivy League education.
Not happy with your hair...okay - quit that. Call your barber and stylist today.
Take a nap.
Daydream a bit.
Decide what is truly adding value - or has the potential to add value - to your life before you quit your first thing. Write it down. Share it with someone. Get on your knees and ask for help. Call. Think before you act. Give yourself that time...that grace.
A few options for today's Quit something each Thursday:
- Quit complaining (ouch.)
- Quit surfing your lazyboy or computer while your kids, spouse, friends, or lonely neighbors, are looking for something or someone to pour into them
- Quit buying a dozen donuts on the way to work...when you work with only two other people
- Quit driving too fast (double ouch.)
- Quit one voluntary professional obligation that looks good on paper, but sucks the joy/life out of you
- Quit that second team you are on and use that time to read, go for a walk with your husband, visit someone
- Quit creating a vortex around yourself to hide in - a black hole that examines everyone else's trip ups and leaves you unaccountable
- Quit paying full price for half-price relationships
And one more thing: Read Tim's blog, 20 notes, quotes, and thoughts and let me know what you think and what you've quit this Thursday.
*Eugene Peterson's, The Message
Thanks for letting me share your writings with us, Allie. Let's do this again sometime.
Now don't forget, everyone. Tomorrow is Thursday. Take a few minutes to
figure out what you can say "No" too. And start today, I mean, tomorrow.
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