
I realize that thankfulness and gratitude are really good for me. I am a nicer person all around when I live with them in focus. Inspired by Ann Voskamp and her Thousand Gifts, this page is dedicated to the many happinesses in my life, large and small. I'll be adding to it periodically. Here I go:

1. John David, my wonderful, adorable, full of life son.
2. Joshua Siders, my intuitive, inspired partner and servant of a husband.
3. Salvation - righteousness that covers me when I do not deserve it
4. Quiet mornings when I'm up before the rest of the house
5. Forgiveness that lets me start over with God and other people
6. Prayer because it incredibly is how God heals and restores things
7. Holy Spirit because he is here with us all the time 
8. This house we live in because although it is small, it has more room than we need
9. The dog who can still win me with his puppy eyes
10. Baby hugs
11. Jeff Goins and all his writing tips I'm eating up right now
12. My carpool of Ryan, Bruce and Natalie and all our delightful conversations
13. Authenticity
14. Friends I've had for years who know me so well
15. Friends I've met recently that know a new version of me I like too
16. Health
17. My chiropractor, Dr. Roop - I miss my appointments, feel better when I have them
18. Ice cold water
19. Espresso first thing in the morning
20. Air conditioning in so many places - I'm spoiled
21. Rain
22. Lovely flowers planted by my husband
23. Fleece blankets
24. More clothes than I know what to do with
25. Money in a savings account
26. Date nights
27. A husband who thinks of me as an equal partner and respects my calling
28. A church denomination who want women in leadership (Wesleyans)
29. A rich, Christian heritage in my family
30. My dad who is an amazing model of a servant, thinks I'm funny and likes to know my opinion on his writing
31. My mom who is fiercely compassionate, a great listener, and also a humble servant
32. My sister who makes me laugh
33. In-laws I like - and they like me back
34. Tickle fights with John
35. Skype dates with friends
36. The free Dragon dictation app on my phone - I can write by talking - Whoo!
37. Words that won't stop coming
38. Book ideas
39. Things that are new and good
40. A clean kitchen
41. Family photos
42. My women's Burn group
43. My friend, Jazzy, who has been my friend for almost 20 years
44. Dreams for the future 
45. Dreams that have come true, like my husband and son
46. Hot tea 
47. The girls I work with - we have so much fun together
48. A house full of people
49. A house with just the three of us, and the dog
50. What paint can do to the walls
51. Baby showers
52. Leadership blogs
53. My friends in India who run the orphanage and school
54. Adoption
55. Brave moms who raise their children single
56. Friends who will babysit for us
57. Leaders at church who we can count on
58. Writing
59. Learning to believe in myself

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