"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
November 15, 2010, at 12:51am, two people were born: a child named John and a
mother named Sarah. This Mother’s Day, we are both almost 18 months old, doing
a few things well and most things clumsily.
I think it was almost yesterday when
we went home together, both needing somehow to be carried. It
was just a few days ago, it seems, that we both cried and cried in the middle
of the night when one of us could not sleep, and so we were both awake.
I am
fairly certain we just started this life only yesterday, two fresh, new people in the world with no
ability to communicate our feelings, who could only whine and eat and sleep all
day. Not knowing how to do anything that we very much needed to do now.
That dark morning we both burst onto the scene, one of us a baby, one a mother. And suddenly those things that were mine before I was born became somebody else's, just like that.
{A few of our first moments growing up together: he was asleep for most of it.}
These hands, my own hands for so many years, now belonged
to someone else. Hands that flipped buttons on a remote or cupped coffee cups
in wee morning hours now flipped bottoms out of soiled diapers and cupped
bottles fresh from the warmer.
Shoulders that had it easy all their lives now
supported plush, rosy cheeks, attached to a baby who is fresh from his nap or a
spill on the ground.
Arms that gave hugs to many or swished carefree by my side
now lift and scoop and sway and rock, but only for a precious one or two.
that tilted up horizontal, kicked back on the coffee table for hours or tucked
beneath me criss-cross now bring me back and forth, back and forth from one
bedroom to another, pacing up and down the hall to comfort, running to divert
disaster in the kitchen, now in the bathroom, now in the yard.
that looked just about wherever they wanted, now notice when things are a bit
strange, when blond curlys are making their way across tabletops, when tiny
feet are too too close to the edge of something, or when patting is about to
becoming hitting which will soon become crying. And these eyes, that once cried only for themselves, now welled up and overflowed at new things, at tiny smiles and sighs, burbles and giggles and chatty sounds. All so precious.
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The babies looking at each other, one of us already in love love. |
And ears that once tuned out
the world with the rhythms of song and conversation now hear everything at
once, even the sounds of silence, and interpret the bangings, the quiet, and
all of the rest with such accuracy these ears may as well be, yes, a second set of eyes. And these ears now strain in the mornings to hear a baby, having a sweet conversation with himself, and the sounds fill the heart right up and over. And there's nothing to do but just soak it all in.
planner once scratched full of meetings and face-to-faces emptied
out for good the day that time stopped and started over. And then the planner
simply said “Maternity leave”, with no scribbled-in appointments in the hours
and days in between. A wide-open space for two babies to get to know each
other. A baby human and a baby mother, both learning how to cry and breathe
and eat, learning to ask for help when we both thought we were
self-sufficient just a few days prior.
Yes, we are still new at this. Still both amateurs at being human and mother. So much more to discover, to see, to understand. Our eyes are wide open. We are both curious. We still cry. But now we give more hugs. There is more giggling and fewer tears. And we are learning, learning, learning. But we do it together.
{Happy Mother's Day to all of you Mothers, no matter how old you are in Mom years. Thank you for taking the learning road with me, and welcoming to this universal thing called Motherhood. Thank you for all your weeks, months and years of devotion and sacrifice and scared love you pour out. Today I know how much you give up to do what you do. So I thank you, with all my mom love.}
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