Anyway, I've stumbled upon a few enjoyable stops on my journey through blogdom, and I'd like to share these helpful spots with you. And heads up: the icons below are just pictures, not actual links. The links are in the text, so don't get confused.
First, The Blog Guidebook. These fine folks helped me figure out how to make that nifty banner you see on top, and the blog button along the side. They've got several resources available if you're into snazzing up your writing/creative space.

Next, love these free fonts from Kevin and Amanda. Whoever you are, thank you. Free fonts? How cool is that? And they're good too. There's probably about 100 here to choose from, or you can go crazy and download the whole lot of 'em in one swoop. Yes, that's what I did. Since you wondered.
Still love this blog from months ago. Makes me feel feminine and lacy just reading it. Good for the girly soul. Check it out: This IS Glamorous.
Last but not at all least: a blog I recently discovered. Peine for Your Thoughts is a humorously honest report of a future mum to twins. Makes me laugh every time, and fortunately, she updates a few times a week. Can't quite find a workable icon from her page so just follow the link above.
That's all for my favorites. I'm sure I'll have more lovely stops for you later, but this should keep you busy for now. I know they keep me quite occupied. Happy browsing.
I love your new blog set up! It looks wonderful! LOVE IT!
Glad you love writing and deciding to do it more! I love it too, you are right, it can be both profitable and personally rewarding. My small bit of advice -- spend more time on your writing than you do on reading other peoples'. This helps me :)
Hope all's well.
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