Saturday, June 26, 2010


Baby registry fave so far. This kid is gonna be a sharp dressed little man to be sure.

Only a little over four months til he gets here. I was told by my co-worker, Evelyn, that I've started nesting. I'm not exactly sure what the symptoms are, but apparently I'm in. In my defense, Josh has been buying baby clothes almost every chance he gets. So far, he's bought jammies, socks, a hat and a Beatles onesie. I only bought baby clothes once, then I cut myself off since I knew all the friends and family would want to buy those first. So far, I've been right. Last weekend I received pint-sized gear from both grandma's and my cousin. And so it begins.

In other news, I'm experiencing the joys of finally being recognized a pregnant person. Co-workers, patients, friends and acquaintances are reaching out to pat my expanding belly or congratulate me on looking pregnant, sort of. Recently I thought to eliminate any ambiguity as to what is behind my protruding waistline by designing a t-shirt with the tag line, "Baby, not beer". This may not be necessary though, as I'm reaching the 5 month mark which, from what I hear, is when the inevitable "pop" occurs. I go from looking possibly pregnant to positively pregnant. I'm really going to try embrace the pregnant me, wear the glow and bump with pride. I'm going to remember that I've been jealous of all visibly pregnant people up to now, thought they were adorable. I'm about to be that adorable pregnant girl. Will I get insecure about a misshapen body or will I enjoy my new life-giving curves? For my friends who are reading, please remind me that I've gotten exactly what I wanted, if by chance I whine about maternity pants and feeling fat. Oh, and you can also remind me that as I grow, baby grows too. And that's a good thing.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Here is our baby boy. Saving the name announcement til his birth. Gotta have a surprise left.

Little foot. Amazing that all this can happen without me supervising. God is good at His job. That's all I can say.

I heard the news today, oh boy!

Feels good to be right. Pictures to follow.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Okay, I'm just going to put this out there. I think I'm having a boy. I'm certain anyone reading this blog already knows that, but this is more for posterity's sake, I suppose. The majority of my friends and family agree with me - good job, guys. Don't want to make the pregnant lady angry, do you? I have a couple friends who are dissenting, voting for a girl, but I think it's just because they want to get a rise out of me. I have lots of good reasons for thinking it's a boy, but I'm not going to go into them now. Just one is standing out to me since the past week.

Last night my friend, who is also pregnant, texted me and asked if I was feeling any "fluttering" in the belly region. Although I'd been waiting so long to feel the baby, I'd forgotten to tell her that I actually had. I responded that yes, I was feeling the baby, but later realized that she had used that funny word: "fluttering". Baby websites tell you that you may feel this sensation so I was prepared for the feeling of a butterfly farm taking up residence in my abdomen. Not the case. It feels more like a mix between a bubble and a gentle rumble. This is why I think my baby is a boy. Boys don't flutter. Boys tumble, fall, bump into things. Whoever is in my belly right now is randomly bumping around from side to side. Maybe he's building a tree house or playing soccer. I don't know. But I'll find out in a week when I get another professional look at my insides. And this will confirm, I'm sure, my suspicions. But if not, I will be happily - very - surprised.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


As I've said earlier, for the first time mum, actually looking prego is an art: See what I mean. A good meal (i.e. a McFlurry and curly fries) and the right clothes can make all the difference.